Tag Archives: parents

Three things

16 Nov

Everyone wishes that they could go back in time and know then what they know now. I am obsessed with music and i also make music sometimes. So i am going to go ahead and say the three things i wish i knew about music, also so people now won’t make those mistakes.

Number 1 regret is that i wish i wish i would have taken singing lessons or guitar lessons when i was younger. There is no problem with taking them when you are older. But It’s always good to start at a young age, which will also make you an extra good musician as you get older. If your a parent and your child likes to sing or wants to play an instrument then get them lessons ASAP, they will be very grateful when they are older.

Number 2 regret is i wish that i could have been listening to all the new music people were listening to. So i strongly recommend looking at the top 100 songs on iTunes so you can be up to date when people talk about the songs

Number 3 regret is i wish that i would have tried to become a singer earlier. This is like my regret number 1, i just wish that i wasn’t so afraid to sing at talent shows and at festivals and make a youtube channel earlier, i think i would have been  much better musician. So thats why I’m telling you, that if your child wants to play music, then start them early!


well thats all, have a musical day!


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